Where did December go?!
I swear it was here a minute ago!
Lots of fun events happened in just one month. To start, Peyton had her very first Preschool Christmas Concert at North Raleigh Church of Christ. It was so cute that it made your heart hurt.
Bring on the 2 and 3 year olds!
Our little STAR!
PopPop joined us for a short weekend. It was so fun to celebrate a little Christmas with him! Then Grandma, Grandpa and Mimi came for the week of Christmas. There were LOTS and LOTS of activities for Peyton and she enjoyed ALL of the attention. This was the Jones Family's first Christmas in our own home. We carried on some old tradtions like opening stockings in bed Christmas morning and we started some new ones like Cookies for Santa. We all enjoyed being home for the holidays so much! Peyton is thrilled with her new Princess Bike and Helmet!
Daddy putting the bike together on Christmas Eve
LOVES her Princess Bike!
Lastly, after all of the company left, Daddy was hard at work on the new baby's nursery. I think he did an amazing job! Peyton's new furniture comes next week, so we will be transitioning all of her nursery furniture into the new baby's room. Stay tuned for pictures of Peyton's new "Big Girl Room" and pictures of the nursery in progress!
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