
Sunday, May 9, 2010


What are the plans for Mother's Day this year?....NO PLANS!!! is so nice to wake up in the morning and not have to be anywhere or do anything!  We had a wonderful breakfast and are planning a nice walk and lunch.  Chris has already planned an ultra gourmet dinner (he is a fabulous cook) and he is currently doing some laundry!  All of this equates to one thing...HAPPY MOMMY! So while all of this is going on, I thought I would do a quick blog update of what we have been doing.

Parker is 6 weeks old!
Here are the stats:
Weight: 8.6 lbs (15th percentile)
Length: 19.75 inches (3rd percentile?!)
Yep...he is a JONES! :)

He continues to be such a snuggly and loving little guy.  He still wakes up around 2am and 6am. Chris and I have started taking shifts now.  So that helps with the sleeplessness. I stopped breastfeeding at about 5 weeks. I just could not keep up with his appetite! He currently eats about 5-6 ounces every three hours.  That is a lot of food for such a little muffin!

Chris and I are both working crazy hours. In the last 6 weeks I have sold 6 homes and Chris just started his new Southeast Regional Manager position at work.  He has been travelling quite a bit and we are looking forward to some sort of family vaca when things die down.

Aunt Kim was our first visitor.  She is an AMAZING Aunt....a total natural. Peyton looooves to hang out with her. During the day they would have picnics and go to the park. At night, Kim would have cocktails and appetizers waiting for us after the kids were fed and bathed! What a fantastic house guest!!!
We really wish that she and Mark lived closer.  Love and miss them lots.
Here are some highlights from her visit:

Last week, Mimi came to stay with us while Daddy was travelling all week.  It was a great week and she was incredibly helpful around the house.  Mimi even fixed a bath tub drain for us!
She loved to snuggle with Parker and give him his bottles. They all went to the park and played too.
It was a great week and I was very appreciative of her help.
In a couple of weeks, Grandma and Grandpa will be here. PopPop will visit shortly after that! Busy Busy!

Much Love!

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