
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Myrtle Beach Redemption

About two years ago, when Parker was 3 months old, we took a Father's Day trip to Myrtle Beach.  Well, to put it nicely, it was not fun at all.  Parker screamed the entire trip and there were not enough cocktails in the world to calm our frazzled nerves.

Fast forward to this weekend... We thought we would try again now that Parker is two and slightly more manageable.  


The trip wasn't all sunshine and roses.  Peyton did throw up all over the car about 10 minutes after we left the house.  But, we were determined to go to the beach! We changed her clothes, cleaned up the car and continued on. 
We arrived at about 3:00pm on Friday, just enough time to catch a few rays on the beach. It was a gorgeous day. We had dinner that night at a great beach bar with live music. The kids danced and ran around.  

We spent most of Saturday on the beach.  It was slightly overcast, but it made the temperature perfect.  After lunch, the kids played in the small water park at the hotel.  Then the storms rolled in. It turned out just fine because Parker was able to get in a good nap and Peyton, Chris and I lounged on the balcony, watching the storms sweep across the ocean. 

That night we took the kids to Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville restaurant. They LOVED it.  Sooo much stimulation: music, balloon animal guys walking on stilts and people singing and clapping.  Margaritaville is on a boardwalk with carnival rides and games, so we had to ride the carousel. It was a really fun family night. We don't get many of those these days. It was a very good reminder of how much we appreciate our time together. 
 The kids are drinking a virgin strawberry daiquiri....Sugar High!!!!

Passed out on the car ride home...
 I just love this face

In other news...

Chris was awarded Constellation's highest honor this year...the Contrada. This award is not just given to the Manager with the best numbers.  You must be nominated by your managers and peers as someone who exemplifies what the company stands for.  It is an incredible honor as only two managers out of over 300 are named Contrada winners.
He receives a trip for two to Italy for the Il Palio race in Siena! The trip is at the end of June.  We are sooo psyched!

Sniff more thing to report:
We discovered Peyton's FIRST loose tooth today. It is her bottom left tooth.  Looks like the Tooth Fairy will be visiting our home for the first time in the next few weeks.  We better get ready!

Here is an official pic with all of her baby teeth:


Monday, April 16, 2012

Just Warming Up

The chill has left the air and it has been just perfect weather in NC.  We have been spending almost every day outside.  We are getting great use out of our new stone patio and fenced in back yard.  In fact, last weekend we had an 8 hour play date back there with the Terdiks and Spencers!!! Yes...first it was brunch, then a late lunch and THEN we decided they may as well hang out for dinner too! It was a BLAST and needless to say the kids were worn out. We hosted an Easter Egg hunt for the kiddos and Mimosas for the Mommies.  :)

Our Easter Sunday was a fabulously lazy day. The Easter Bunny was good to the kids.  Parker got a kite and a bubble machine (already broken) and Peyton got a "big girl" Barbie Razor scooter and a kite also. They also got some little things like jammies and candy.  They enjoyed the finding the eggs that the Easter Bunny left for them, then we had a picnic lunch on the patio and bike riding in the afternoon. It was a GREAT day!
I think Daddy had as much fun as the kids!

The Easter Bunny came!

Parker insisted on carrying his ball the whole morning.

Parker is getting really good at keeping his eye on the ball and hitting it! He LOVES his t-ball set from his friend Carter.  It was a great birthday gift!

Peyton and Parker had a photo shoot on the Greenway with Rikke Falck Larsen.  She is an awesome friend and neighbor who takes amazing photos.  Here are a few of the pics.  I will share more as I get them...

The kids also had class pictures for the Spring.  I think they are just hilarious!

Both kids had their checkups this week.  Here are the results:

Peyton 5 year stats:
Weight: 38 pounds (30th percentile)
Length: 41 inches (25th percentile)

Parker 2 year stats:
Weight: 24 pounds (15th percentile)
Length: 33 inches (20th percentile)

Basically, our kids are still tiny, but they are healthy!!! We are super happy with that. :)