That is really not my intention! We have just been having so much FUN!
In the beginning of February, we went to visit PopPop and Lisa in Atlanta. We took the kids to the park and to some good restaurants. It was really fun hanging out with them!
Chris and I went with my Dad to the Shooting Range. I had never shot before and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it!
Of course, we geared up for Peyton's big 5th Birthday!!! She had the day off from Preschool, so she and I baked cupcakes and brownies for her class. That weekend she had a candy party at the Lollipop Shop in North Hills. It was a BLAST! The kids decorated their own cupcakes and got to pick out lots of candy in the store. They all had a great time.
Peyton got a new ballet outfit from Aunt Kim and Uncle Mark!

The kids' Valentine this year!
I just couldn't resist this cute pic!
Next we went to Mimi's house. We went to the beach (gorgeous!) and visited Winter the Dolphin! It was a little lackluster after the "bling" of Sea World, but it was still cool to see the real Winter.

On Saturday, I got to visit some very special friends Jana, Risa and Gina. The best part was that we went to see Risa in the hospital after having her 3rd baby boy (Lord, help her!). We had fun snuggling the baby, chatting and catching up. Every time I see these girls, it is like no time has passed. I love that about them!
From there, we headed south to Grandma and Grandpa's house. They hosted a great birthday party for Peyton and Parker. All of their close friends and our local family were in attendance. The kids enjoyed all of the attention and I think the adults enjoyed it too! :)
Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids while Chris and I snuck away to the Don CeSar for a night. Of course, one night is just not enough of that place! But it was wonderful to unplug for 24 hours and lay on the beach. I actually got to read a book!
The kids were surprisingly AWESOME on the plane ride. It was Parker's first plane trip! He slept part of the way and the other half, he and Peyton watched a movie. They were no problem at all.
The weather in Raleigh has been amazing. Spring is one of the best seasons here. We spent one Saturday afternoon downtown at the St Patrick's Day Parade.
Check this out....the very BEST rainbow we have ever seen! It was right above our house!
We had originally planned to share Parker's birthday party with Hadley Spencer at one of the Bedford parks. It poured rain that day so we moved the party indoors to the Spencer's house. The kids had a ball. They jumped on the trampoline in the rain, ate pizza and watched movies. I call that a successful 2nd birthday party! He continues to be such a snuggly little angel with that boyish troublemaker appearing every once in awhile. We love it and he cracks us up every day. He is talking up a storm and has really gone through a growth spurt in the last 6 months. The day after his birthday, we said goodbye to the binky. I think I cried more than he did. :( My baby is growing up so fast.
Peyton and Hadley Spencer

Peyton and Hadley Spencer

Speaking of growing up so fast....we signed Peyton up for KINDERGARTEN. Crazy. She will be attending Wakefield Elementary School on Track 1. We couldn't be happier! We love that little school and think she will adjust very well there. She starts July 9th. Whoa.
Watch out! Royalty on the trail!
Watch out! Royalty on the trail!
Peyton has attended some pretty cool birthday parties so far this year:
Lauren Frangiosa's Tea Party (pictured here with Avery Brasch)
Gray Spencer's Batman Party
Carter Hubal's Pony Party

Work has been busy for both Chris and I. This Spring season in Real Estate has been my best yet! We are really seeing a turnaround in the market. Homes are selling in mere days for over asking price! Hallelujah! I ordered new business cards and signs. Ready to rock 2012! Chris continues to be super successful at know, he wins every award and always exceeds his goals. He is "that guy" at work (the ultra amazing and perfect one). Our family could not be more proud of his accomplishments.
That's about all for updates right now. Sorry for being so wordy, but we had lots to share!