This summer came and went pretty quickly, but we managed to cram in some amazing activites along the way. First, in July, we had a visit from Danielle, Nolan, Arden, Alicia and Adam! It was sooo fun and way too short. One day the Mommies went shopping and lunching while the kids played with a babysitter. Peyton and Nolan reunited like they were long lost buddies. Peyton still talks about Nolan in Florida and how she cannot wait to see him again. She says "Nolan is my friend even though he is a BOY." :)

Throughout the Summer, Peyton took swim lessons at the Bedford pool with Coach Britney. She was not very happy to do it. She was scared to swim without her "floaties". But she was a great swimmer when she tried. We will try lessons again next Summer in hopes that she will take to it a little better!
Both kids went to Summer Camps this year at North Raleigh Church of Christ. Peyton also went to a week of "Princess Camp" at CC&Co Dance. This is where she really fell in love with dancing. We signed her up for an Intro to Ballet class for the 2011-2012 year. They practice all year for the Gala in June. We can't wait! Parker fussed when we first dropped him off at camp, but then he got right into the routine: new toys and new friends, he had a great time!
Grandma and Grandpa took the kids camping in August. They had a BLAST! Peyton loves to camp (definitely gets that from her Daddy).
The most exciting thing we did this Summer was take a family vacation to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. PopPop and Lisa rented an amazing home just one row off of the beach. It had tons of space and a great pool. We were joined by Lindsey, Grandma and Grandpa too. We rented bikes and rode on the beach. The kids thought that was so fun! The trip was ultra relaxing. Our stretch of beach was very quiet and the kids loved to run and play and build sandcastles. Toward the end of the day, everyone would return to the house for a swim in the pool and a cocktail. The best nights were spent cooking at the house and chatting around the dinner table. It was definitely a vacation to remember.
Another activity that Peyton has gotten involved in is Tennis! Bedford is offering a tennis clinic for her age group and were excited to give it a try. She seems to enjoy it even though she makes little contact with the ball. She is picking up the basics of holding a racquet and keep her eye on the ball. We also like that she is learning about good sportsmanship and working on a team.
Whew! We have had a really fun Summer. Now it is back to school! Both kids went back to the North Raleigh Church of Christ Preschool. Peyton is in the 4 year class and Parker is in the Toddler class!
Peyton and Gray Spencer:
Here are just a few other random Summer Fun pics!
Peyton LOVES to go to the Dentist!
Parker and Hadley Spencer at the Bedford pool:
Much Love!