Lot's has happened in the month of June!
We spent the weekend in Myrtle Beach, SC for Father's Day. Peyton had a BLAST, Parker was not quite as into it. We think it was too hot and he didn't get any good naps. He was very crabby for most of the trip. Daddy and I were ready to have a vacation from our vacation! Oh well, at least we got to spend some time together as a family. Here are some pics!
In other news, Parker is doing GREAT! Now that we know his "likes and dislikes" a little better, our routine is much smoother. For example, he is really a good boy when he gets two good naps during the day and he LOVES his crib. He will sleep for hours in his cozy crib. He also likes to be swaddled tightly at night, very snuggly. He likes to be a part of the action. You can see below, he is watching Daddy cook.
He really loves to watch Peyton. She will occasionally let him in on the play time. Here, she has decided to share stickers with him.
Parker gets more handsome everyday! He changes every time I look at him!
This summer has been FULL of play dates for Peyton. She frequently plays with Gray and Malia Spencer, Maya Oldham, Salene and Saleece Crisafi, Lydia and Lena Terdick, and her very best friend Samantha Kuhlemeier. Not sure how we will explain to Peyton that Sam is moving to Colorado. :( She just lights up every time we mention going over to Sam's house or Sam's playing at our house. Here are the kids at a "water fun" play date at the Crisafi's!
Whew! We had a busy month! It was a fun one and the Summer has only just begun!